SERVICES for issues related to


A mental health condition marked by symptoms of restlessness, panic/fear, nausea, hyper-ventilation, hyper vigilant behavior, muscle tension.


A mood disorder marked by signs of low mood, fluctuation in sleep & appetite patterns, loss of interest, feelings of guilt, hopelessness along with cognitive disturbances.

Adjustment Issues

Emotional-behavioral responses to identifiable stressors: difficulties at work, financial stress, divorce, break-up.

Stress & Anger Management

Hands-on tips for regulating stress and anger by uncovering underlying cause and learning adaptive mechanisms.

Dementia & Elderly Well-Being

A neuro-degenerative disorder, dementia affects the physical, emotional and psychological well-being of the patient.


A huge milestone in any woman’s life comes with its sets of highs and lows: anxiety, changing physiological patterns, physical strain and low mood.


Educating and generating awareness about various Mental Health Issues (understanding the condition, possible treatment avenues, support & self-help tools).

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

A form of goal-oriented, short term therapy that aims at understanding and changing the negative automatic thought patterns that is the root of a person’s distress or challenging situations.

Supportive Psychotherapies

These are aimed at helping patients at restoring adaptive functioning and equilibrium, situational problems, conflict resolution expansion of personal abilities and skills.

Behavior Modification

The emphasis is not on the past events as a cause of behavior. Based on ABA principles, this intervention is targeted at reforming the behavior by understanding its relationship to the environment.

Psychological First Aid

Compassionate, supportive presence designed to reduce acute distress and assess the need for continued mental health care and support for those affected by crisis events.


It’s an intervention with present moment awareness at its heart. It aims at harnessing the attention and awareness to one’s thoughts, feelings and behavior without being critical of one’s experiences.

Good Clinical-Trial Practices

A set of guidelines that ensure the scientific study is conducted ethically, making sure the confidentiality and integrity of the participants is retained.

Evidence based approach practiced includes

Research-Oriented Skills

  • Trained in Good Clinical-Trial Practices
  • Data recording and management
  • Report writing
  • Quality control of data
  • Critical thinking and Problem solving
  • Communication Skills

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